Code: PET445- Mekdela (Magdala) Expedition
Duration: 20 days/ 19 nights
Transport: Air, Surface, Mule ride

Highlight: The following itinerary feature will allow for visitors to explore a challenging expedition of British troops to Magdala in 1868 led by Napier. Magdala-, a former name of Amba Mariam, Village, Amhara region, central Ethiopia . Emperor Tewodros II ( Theodore II) - the first emperor to conceive the idea of a united, strong, and progressive Ethiopian state equal to any in the world, in the mid 19 th century used Magdala as the base of operation for his conquest of the surrounding Oromo people territory. In 1867 he made it his capital and imprisoned British diplomats there. In 1868 a British military expedition under Sir Robert Napier rescued the prisoners, destroyed Magdala, and prompted Tewodros’s suicide.


Day 1: Arrival Addis Ababa. O/n hotel
Day 2: Fly to Mekele. O/n hotel
Day 3: Drive to Lake Hashengie. O/n camping
Day 4: A day to arrange mule and camping facilities. O/n camping
Day 5: A long day trek to Lat. O/n camping
Day 6: Trek to Marrawah. O/n camping
Day 7: Trek via Tsuray River to Dildey. O/n camping
Day 8: Trek via Wondateh to Muga. O/n camping
Day 9: Day at leisure and re- fix the camping gears and change mules. O/n camping
Day 10: Trek with long ascent to Santerra Plain. O/n camping near Turk village
Day 11: Easy walk across plain to Tenta Mariam village. O/n Camping
Day 12: Trek to Betehor, also known as Con. O/n camping
Day 13: Day at leisure (Rest day). O/n camping
Day 14: Trek to Delanta Plain. O/n camping
Day 15: A challenging walk through Beshlo Gorge. O/n camping
Day 16: Trek to Makdela (Magdala). O/n camping
Day 17: Explore Magdala. O/n camping
Day 18: A short walk to Tenta and meet with vehicles to drive Dessie. O/n hotel
Day 19: Drive back to Addis. O/n hotel
Day 20: Sightseeing tour and departure.

The above trekking itineraries are based on what are essentially popular routes for people who love trekking. It can be shortened or extended.
All the date of itineraries includes arrival and departure dates.
All trips are available year round, but prices may be adjusted around special holidays.
The tour does not require a high level of fitness but participants should be in good general health. Should you have any physical limitations please contact us. Please note we will be traveling in high altitudes (above 2800 m) part of the tour. 

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